Fund Options
1. Unrestricted Fund
Giving to our unrestricted fund addresses a wide range of pressing issues in West Alabama. Your gift allows us to respond to the community’s needs, today and tomorrow.
2. Donor Advised Funds
DAFs are like an investment account for all your charitable giving. Once you contribute to your DAF, you are eligible for an immediate tax deduction. The contributions are invested and grow tax-free. When you’re ready to make gifts from your DAF, you decide which charities you want to support and the amounts. After reviewing your suggestions, the CFWA sends the checks and manages the paperwork for you. For details, click here.
3. Scholarship Fund
Establishing a scholarship fund is an investment in the future. Your gift can help students achieve their educational goals while honoring a loved one. You may create a scholarship for students from a particular school, for those attending a specific college or enrolled in a specific area of study. The CFWA handles the application process and oversees distribution of the awards. Contact our office to personalize your scholarship fund.
4. Endowed Funds
Permanent endowments are funds that are often set up with a long-range plan, with the goal of supporting community works far beyond our lifetimes. The corpus of the fund is invested for perpetual funding of donors’ charitable interests. Scholarships are a great example of an endowment, and we can personalize them to your interests. Read the Endowment fund guidelines here.